The Indian Epic Tradition: Themes and Recensions | English Semester 1 BBMKU

The Indian Epic Tradition: Themes and Recensions | English Semester 1 BBMKU

The Indian epic tradition is one of the most influential literary and cultural phenomena in world history. With texts like the Mahabharata and Ramayana, these epics have shaped Indian philosophy, history, and literature. This article explores the themes, recensions, and evolution of Indian epics, focusing on their significance in literature and culture. If you are … Read more

Dante: Selections from The Divine Comedy: Inferno – Notes for English Honours Semester 2 BBMKU University

Detailed notes on Inferno Canto 1 & 2 from The Divine Comedy by Dante. Essential for English Honours Semester 2 BBMKU University students

Introduction Dante Alighieri’s The Divine Comedy is a literary masterpiece that has shaped world literature. The first part of this epic poem, Inferno, explores the journey of the protagonist, Dante, through the nine circles of Hell, guided by the Roman poet Virgil. This blog provides a detailed analysis and notes for English Honours Semester 2 … Read more

Ramayana Book 2: Ayodhya Kand | BA English Notes Semester 1 BBMKU

Ramayana Book 2 Ayodhya Kand BA English Notes Semester 1 BBMKU

The Ayodhya Kand (Book 2 of the Ramayana) is a profound and pivotal section of Valmiki’s epic, detailing Lord Rama’s transition from the heir apparent of Ayodhya to an exiled prince living in the forest. This portion of the narrative not only sets the stage for subsequent events but also delves deeply into the themes … Read more